180580 - Park accessories

ITEM NAME: Park accessories
This construction kit is very well suited for the decoration and modelling of a small town or village square.
For this purpose it contains typical parts such as park benches, a bench around a tree, an advertising pillar, different types of fountains, a historical monument, fire hydrant, yard gates with side walls and much more.
For this purpose it contains typical parts such as park benches, a bench around a tree, an advertising pillar, different types of fountains, a historical monument, fire hydrant, yard gates with side walls and much more.
This building kit contains:
116 single parts in 3 colours and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
116 single parts in 3 colours and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
180580 36,12 27,99 35,20