130480 - Savings bank with a drive-in counter

ITEM NAME: Savings bank with a drive-in counter
Savings bank building with annexed service and counter wing, furnished with typical equipment such as automated cash dispensers, information desk, etc.
The detached, roofed drive-in counter is accessible to Car System vehicles.
The detached, roofed drive-in counter is accessible to Car System vehicles.
This building kit contains:
286 single parts in 6 colours, window foil, 1 paper mask, 1 decoration and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
286 single parts in 6 colours, window foil, 1 paper mask, 1 decoration and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
130480 68,38 52,99 66,65