120191 - Platforms

ITEM NAME: Platforms
2 pieces, suitable for the railway stations »Bonn« (art. 110113) and »Mittelstadt« (art. 110115) and for the train shed (art. 120180).
For all track types.
Can be illuminated with 1 light bar of art. 120183 or art. 180654 each.
For all track types.
Can be illuminated with 1 light bar of art. 120183 or art. 180654 each.
This building kit contains:
98 single parts in 3 colours, 1 decoration and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
98 single parts in 3 colours, 1 decoration and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
120191 49,02 37,99 47,80
120191 49,02 37,99 47,80