120199 - Covered platform

ITEM NAME: Covered platform
Sophisticated, spacious covered platform.
Passage width suitable for 3-track traffic with C track and all other track types.
Catenary operation possible.
Can be constructed in tandem or side by side multiple times.
Can be illuminated with light bar (art. 180654).
Passage width suitable for 3-track traffic with C track and all other track types.
Catenary operation possible.
Can be constructed in tandem or side by side multiple times.
Can be illuminated with light bar (art. 180654).
This building kit contains:
400 single parts in 5 colours, window parts, 1 decoration and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
400 single parts in 5 colours, window parts, 1 decoration and 1 construction instruction.
Use for handicrafts FALLER - plastic glue.
120199 126,44 97,99 123,25